What I Did Lately-Read Some Stuff

My well of thoughts had run dry. Looking on this screen for a long time, I figured out I have nothing to blog about for now. But here I am, still continuing my writing. Let me write about the things I’ve read about previously.


1. The Gulag

By Eufrosinia Kersnovskaya


I have to admit, I don’t know a lot about World History, except from the limited classes I had back in high school. But after reading Tom Rob Smith’s Child 44, I got curious about the Gulag system during the Stalin era in Russia. The said novel also talks about those prison/labor camps.


I wasn’t prepared to see and read about the horrifying conditions in those labor camps, where  human dignity is reduced to that of a cattle. Seeing the drawings of Eufrosinia Kersnovskaya and Nikolai Getman gave me a picture of the terrifying life they lived in as Gulag prisoners, and surviving it. Looking back at that dark period in Russian history, and thinking that the same thing is happening until now in some parts of the world (North Korea for example), I can only shudder.



2. Book lists

From weheartit


I salute any individual who can read tons of books and remain devoted to it. As for me, I can only concentrate on one book at a time. Sometimes, I don’t get to finish my reading because I get busy with other things. Then I would return to the book, only to find out that I lost some interest in it.


I hope that I can become a regular reader again. I’ve already started with Child 44, and I must say, it kept me up late at night. It’s about a disgraced MGB Officer who wants to find a serial killer going after children in Russia. Set during the Stalin era in the 1950’s, the task proves daunting, as the governing principle back then is “There is no crime”. Proving so means that you’re going against the State, and this can get you punished.


So far, I’m close to finishing it. Next on my list will be:


* Eleanor and Park/Fangirl (both by Rainbow Rowell)-for a lighter read

* The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (out of sheer curiosity)

* If I Stay by Gayle Forman


I might re-read again The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, because I plan to see the movie! So excited!



3. Some WordPress posts

from courtneyjade.com


There are some posts that I randomly like here, and I must say, I’m in good company with lots of bloggers!



Well, that’s it for now. Just when I thought I can’t write anything, I ended up writing something after all.